Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More on Sunglasses

Conde Nast publishes Fashion Rocks Magazine. While quietly thumbing through the pages we came across a four page spread of very stylish sunglasses.

LensCrafters? Really?

Turns out that LensCrafters a major sponsor of Fashion Rocks. So they garnered a four page splash.

We checked the LensCrafters site to find brands like Anne Klein, Bulgari, Burberry, DKNY and Prada. Seems like it's time to go shopping.

Texas Little Black Book – A MyLlyons Project

The Price of Beauty - New York Times

We try not to go too far afield when writing. But cosmetic procedures can not be ignored. This NY Times article presents an interesting discussion of cosmetic procedures competing with medical procedures.

Health and Beauty are intertwined. The article presents a fair picture of the challenges facing you as a consumer, and your Doctor as a provider.

The "Price of Beauty" article caught our eye in tandem with "Skin Deep: It's Botox for You, Dear Bridesmaids". 

“Giving them a bracelet isn’t as special as spending an evening together. Plus, as you get older, everyone is more conscientious about their skin and appearance,” she said. “Giving them something for themselves — as opposed to something that they’ll never wear again — is more meaningful.”

We felt so naughty getting our hair and nails done at the same time.

Now we can all get a little wrinkle relief!

Texas Little Black Book – A MyLlyons Project

Sunglasses are the new handbag?

We were sitting at Happy Hour with a co-worker - staring at her new sunglasses. "Yes, they were very expensive, especially since they are prescription".

Then she pulled them off and placed them into a beautiful Coach Eyeglass Case. We did not find them on the Coach site, but they are available at this link on Amazon.com: Coach Eyeglass Case. Hard case in brown and tan, three different sizes to choose from.

Sorry, shoes and handbags will not be replaced by sunglasses.

Texas Little Black Book – A MyLlyons Project